Our Committee
The Upper Sturt Soldiers Memorial Hall Committee is made up of volunteers from the local community. They meet once a month to plan events and the maintenance of the Hall. The committee is always looking to hear from the community it loves. If you have any ideas or would like to be involved, get in touch!
John Halsey
Georgia McDonnell
Vice President
Janice Scott
Shan Thomas
Committee members
Allan McGough
Catherine Hutchesson
Julie Peterson
Carol McGough
Pamela Bartel
Bob Evans
Flynn Evans
Heather Waters
Life Members
In 2023, the committee awarded the following past and present members with Life Memberships. These memberships were given to recognise and thank the recipients for their service to the Hall and their community.
Jan van der Meer
Rosie van der Meer
Bob Evans
Betty Slater
Helen Petersen
Allan McGough
Carol McGough
Judith Lydermore
Heather Waters